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By Ryan
27 articles

How to change the server settings on a Palworld server

Palworld servers have many customization options available that can drastically change how players interact with the server. Players can change settings such as the XP gain rate, gather rates, and many more to either add challenges to servers or make it easier. These options include several risky settings that may cause issues on a server; those settings have been included in this guide to warn against using them. Note: Make backups locally incase of corruption or lost data. How to Change the Server Settings on a Palworld Server 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Go to /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer 5. Open PalWorldSettings.ini 6. Make any desired adjustments using the table below. 7. Once finished editing, choose Save Content on the bottom right. 8. Start the server. Server Settings Settings are marked as follows: (✅) - Working. Setting is confirmed to be working. (❌) - Does Not Work. Setting may break something or is not implemented.** (❓) - Unconfirmed**. Setting is unstable and may not work. Use at your own risk. Difficulty (❌) Does not work for dedicated servers; however, the settings it changes can still be used. Follow our guide here. DayTimeSpeedRate (✅) How fast the day passes. NightTimeSpeedRate (✅) How fast the night passes. ExpRate (✅) Multiplies how much Exp players receive. (Max Value = 20 ) PalCaptureRate (✅) Affects the capture rate of Pals. PalSpawnNumRate (✅) Affects the spawn rate of Pals. PalDamageRateAttack (✅) Multiplies the damage of pals to others. PalDamageRateDefense (✅) Multiplies the damage dealt to Pals. PlayerDamageRateAttack (✅) Multiplies the damage players deal. PlayerDamageRateDefense (✅) Multiplies the damage players take. PlayerStomachDecreaseRate (✅) Changes how fast players starve. PlayerStaminaDecreaseRate (✅) Changes how fast stamina depletes. PlayerAutoHpRegeneRate (✅) Changes how fast player health regenerates. PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep (✅) Changes how fast player health regenerates while sleeping. PalStomachDecreaseRate (✅) Changes how fast Pals starve. PalStaminaDecreaseRate (✅) Changes how fast Pal's stamina depletes. PalAutoHPRegeneRate (✅) Changes how fast Pal health regenerates. PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep (✅) Changes how fast Pal health regenerates while in the Box. BuildObjectDamageRate (✅) Multiplies the damage structures take. BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate (✅) Changes how fast buildings will deteriorate with no base nearby. CollectionDropRate (✅) Changes gatherable items drop rate. (Rocks/Wood/Ore) CollectionObjectHpRate (✅) Changes how much HP gatherable objects have. CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate (✅) Changes how fast gatherable objects respawn. EnemyDropItemRate (✅) Affects the drop rate for items from enemies. DeathPenalty (Moved to Startup) Follow our guide on changing the death penalty setting here. bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage (❌) Enables or disables player-to-player damage. bEnableFriendlyFire (❌) Enables or disables friendly fire. bEnableInvaderEnemy (✅) Turns raids on or off. bActiveUNKO (❌) Activates UNKO, a currently unknown feature. bEnableAimAssistPad (❓) Turns aim assist on or off for controllers. bEnableAimAssistKeyboard (❓) Turns aim to assist on or off for keyboard and mouse. DropItemMaxNum (✅) Sets the maximum amount of dropped items in the world. DropItemMaxNum_UNKO (❌) Sets the maximum number of dropped UNKO items. BaseCampMaxNum (✅) Sets the maximum number of base camps. BaseCampWorkerMaxNum (❓) Sets the maximum number of workers in a max-level base camp. (Max value = 20 ) DropItemAliveMaxHours (✅) Sets the maximum time items remain alive after being dropped. bAutoResetGuildNoOnlinePlayers (✅) Automatically resets guilds with no online players. AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers (✅) Sets the time after which guilds with no online players are automatically reset. GuildPlayerMaxNum (✅) Changes how many players can be in a guild. PalEggDefaultHatchingTime (✅) The time it takes to hatch a huge egg. Applies to all egg types. WorkSpeedRate (✅) Adjusts the overall work speed in the game (Pal+Player). bIsMultiplay (❌) Enables or disables multiplayer mode. bIsPvP (❌) Enables or disables player versus player (PvP) mode. bCanPickupOtherGuildDeathPenaltyDrop (✅) Turns on or off the pickup of death penalty drops from other guilds. bEnableNonLoginPenalty (❓) Non-Login Penalties: when offline for a more extended period, your pals get depressed. bEnableFastTravel (✅) Turns fast travel on or off. bIsStartLocationSelectByMap (✅) Turns on or off the selection of starting locations on the map. bExistPlayerAfterLogout (❓) Turns on or off players existing in the world after logout. bEnableDefenseOtherGuildPlayer (❌) Enables or disables the defense of other guild players. CoopPlayerMaxNum (❌) Sets the maximum number of cooperative players in a session. ServerPlayerMaxNum (Moved to Startup)Changes the server player capacity. Set in the startup panel. ServerName (Moved to Startup) Sets server display name. Set in the startup panel. ServerDescription (Moved to Startup)Sets server description. Set in the startup panel. AdminPassword (Moved to Startup)Administrator password for use with /adminpassword . Set in the startup panel. ServerPassword (Moved to Startup)The password for the server. Set in the startup panel. PublicPort (❌) The server's public port number breaks the server if it is changed. PublicIP (❌) The server's public IP breaks the server if it is changed. RCONEnabled (✅) Turns the Remote Console (RCON) on or off for server administration. RCONPort (✅) Sets the port for the Remote Console (RCON) communication. (Potentially Breaks RCON!) Region (❌) Sets the region for the Palworld server. bUseAuth (❌) Turns server authentication on or off. Can break player data. BanListURL (❌) Sets the URL for the server's ban list. Currently, it breaks the server if changed.

Last updated on Aug 06, 2024

How to fix offline depressed pals on a Palworld server

The Palworld server is always live, and Pals stay active even when the player is offline. Pals may get stuck in an awkward spot and respawn in an area inaccessible to food or sleep. Pals also get lower sanity and become depressed as time passes without the player taking care of them. Remember to build sufficient food boxes and spas for Pals. Note: Placing Pals in the Palbox before logging off or building a spacey base to avoid Pals from getting stuck will help. How to Fix Offline Depressed Pals on a Palworld Server Disable Offline Penalty - Disables penalties for offline players. 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer . 5. Open PalWorldSettings.ini 6. Locate bEnableNonLoginPenalty, and change the value to false. 7. On the bottom right click Save Content. 8. Start the server. Enable Exist Player After Logout - Pals will be happier to know their owner is on the server. However, the player will be hungry and can be at 1HP upon logging in after a long period of time. 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer . 5. Open PalWorldSettings.ini 6. Locate bExistPlayerAfterLogout, and change the value to true. 7. On the bottom right click Save Content. 8. Start the server. Disable Pals Hunger Rate. - Pal hunger is an essential feature of Palworld. However, lowering the Pal hunger rate can keep Pals from getting hungry while the player is logged off. 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer . 5. Open PalWorldSettings.ini 6. Locate PalStomachDecreaceRate, and change the value to 0.01 or 0.0. 7. On the bottom right click Save Content. 8. Start the server.

Last updated on Aug 07, 2024

How to kick or ban players on a Palworld server

In Palworld servers, administrators have the authority to enforce rules and maintain a fair gaming environment by utilizing the kicking and banning mechanisms. Kicking allows the temporary removal of a player from the server as a disciplinary measure while banning imposes a more severe and permanent restriction. Note: The SteamID64 is required. Follow this tutorial to learn how to find a user's SteamID64. Note: Admin permissions are required. Learn how to become an admin here. How to Kick and Ban Players on a Palworld Server In-Game 1. Launch and connect to the Palworld server. 2. Enter the Admin Password. 3. Run the desired kick or ban command. /ShowPlayers Displays the name and ID of players connected. /KickPlayer [UserID]/[SteamID64] Kicks the desired player from the server. /BanPlayer [UserID]/[SteamID64] Bans the desired player from the server. How to Ban Players on a Palworld Server 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/SaveGames . 5. Open the banlist.txt file. If not present, choose New File. 6. Enter the desired SteamIDs separated by a new line with the following format: steam_SteamID64 . 7. Press the Save Content button or New File and save it as banlist.txt. 8. Start the server. How to Unban Players on a Palworld Server 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/SaveGames . 5. Open the banlist.txt file. 6. Remove the desired SteamID. 7. Press the Save Content button. 8. Start the server.

Last updated on Aug 07, 2024

How to transfer a Palworld server to QuickHost

Palword dedicated servers can be uploaded from either co-op or other dedicated servers. While this typically results in losing some player data on Windows servers, migrating from dedicated servers using Linux is much less risky. It can be done with minimal risk of losing any data. The community has found ways to help Windows dedicated servers transfer their saves without losing the player data by directly editing the files themselves. Note: Transferring a save to a dedicated server May Result in Lost Progress! Note: Make any backups locally to preserve server data. How to Transfer a Palworld Server to QuickHost 1. Download the World Save from the desired server located in Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0 . Some providers may require an FTP Client. 2. Extract the save to an empty folder if it is zipped. 3. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 4. Stop the server. If it hasn't been run before, start it once before stopping. 5. On the left select Files. 6. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0 . 7. Delete the world file on the server by pressing the 3 dots then Delete. 8. Upload the previous world from step 1 by dragging over the folder, or clicking upload. 9. Copy the folder's name. This can be accessed by pressing Right-click > Rename so the name is highlightable. 10. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer . 11. Open the GameUserSettings.ini file for editing. 12. Navigate to the DedicatedServerName= section. 13. Replace the value with the uploaded server name. 14. Once finished editing, choose Save Content on the bottom right. 15. Start the server.

Last updated on Aug 15, 2024

How to troubleshoot connecting to a Palworld server

Troubleshooting connections on a Palworld server is essential to ensure a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. Identifying and resolving connectivity issues helps maintain stable gameplay, reduces disruptions, and fosters a positive community environment. Note: Confirm that the Palworld services are running as intended. Check the Palworld Status page here. Note: Connecting to the server via IP is possible even without the server showing up in the Community Browser. Learn how to connect here. How to Troubleshoot Connecting to a Palworld Server Ping the Palworld Server Locally 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. From the Terminal tab, copy the IP and Port next to IP Address. 3. Open a new tab in the browser. 4. Paste the IP and Port in the address bar and hit enter: http://IP:Port . 5. Wait for a minute. 6. Remove the Port and enter only the IP in the address bar. 7. Wait for a minute. 8. Connect to the Palworld server. Connect to the Palworld Subdomain - COMING SOON Remove the Password and Connect via IP 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Startup. 4. From the Server Password field, remove the password and leave it blank. 5. On the left select Terminal. Then start the server. 6. Copy the IP and Port on the right. 7. Launch Palworld. 8. Select Join Multiplayer Game from the main menu. 9. Paste the IP and Port from Step 7 and click Connect. 10. After connecting to the server, disconnect from the server. 11. Select Join Multiplayer Game from the main menu. 12. Click Recent Servers and check if the server shows up.

Last updated on Aug 15, 2024

How to upload a co-op save to a Palworld server

Players may have gotten started on a Palworld save they wish to have transferred to a dedicated server. The processes for doing so are currently being worked on, as when a player hosts a game in co-op, only the host save data becomes encrypted. This results in the host's data not transferring when uploading a save to a dedicated server. Note: Transferring a co-op save to a dedicated server Does Not Transfer the Host's Progress! All other players who are connected to the save will retain progress. Note: Make any backups locally to preserve server data. Note: The server must be run once to generate this folder. How to Upload a Co-op Save to a Palworld Server 1. Login to the QuickHost Game Panel. 2. Stop the server. 3. On the left select Files. 4. Find the following directory: /home/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0 . 5. If you wish to backup the world archive the world file by pressing the 3 dots then Archive. 6. Delete the world file on the server by pressing the 3 dots then Delete. 7. Open the Run menu by pressing the Windows + R Key. 8. Paste the following %localappdata%/Pal/Saved/SaveGames and press OK. 9. Open the numbered folder designating steam id. 10. Locate the folder for the desired world. The required folder will contain Local and Level data. 11. Return to the game panel and upload the world file. 12. Copy the folder's name. This can be accessed by pressing the 3 dots then Rename so the name is highlightable. 13. Find the following directory: /home/container/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer . 14. Open the GameUserSettings.ini file for editing. 15. Navigate to the DedicatedServerName= section. 16. Replace the value with the copied server name. 17.  Once finished editing, choose Save Content. 18.  Start the server. All world data will be transferred, including all player data, Excluding the Host of the old server.

Last updated on Aug 16, 2024